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Grades 9-12: HS Prep Golf Academy — Residential and Commuter Programs

In concert with academic studies for grades 9-12, programs will include an introduction to golf skills, as well as the business of golf. This includes, but not limited to; golf club repair and regripping, golf car maintenance, event structure and management and retail merchandising.

Player development; the Academy facilities will also be available for golf instruction to not only high school age students, but also young adults and adults in the community. Top-notch PGA member professionals can be brought in to teach beginning, intermediate and advanced golfers.

These instruction services can be provided as part of the academic curriculum or as fee-based instruction for golfers of all skill levels. The Core4 Golf Academy can become the premier destination for golfers to learn the game and get better at the game.

CORE4 Golf Academy will become the private golf learning facility to learn to play golf at every level.

Golf industry prep:  In partnership with the PGA, CORE4 will create awareness of the career opportunities in the business of golf both as a PGA member and for those that wish to remain an amateur and work in the business of golf. CORE4 will introduce  18 colleges and universities that offer the Professional Golf Management Program (PGM). This 4-year program includes a curriculum designed to provide a degree in business/marketing with an emphasis on the golf business.

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CORE4 has begun discussions facilitated by BGI to develop a hybrid program as a path to working in the Golf Industry as well as progress toward PGA membership: 2 years of college/university and another 2 years of working in the business of golf. Pending PGA approval.

This “junior college” approach would yield an Associates Degree with a combination of accredited academic curriculum and golf programming and provide the students with credits toward PGA membership. Then with the completion of 2 years of working at a golf facility for a PGA member would result in the student/employee becoming a PGA member. Again, this will take time to develop due to the accreditation required on the academic side.


While enrolled in this level program, CORE4 can help in finding summer employment for CORE4 Golf Academy students.